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Sound Healing with Tuning Forks for Calming Anxiety

Tuning forks have an immediate calming effect on the mind and body. They initiate a shift in your autonomic nervous system from the sympathetic mode, your panic mode, to the parasympathetic mode, your rest and relax mode.

Anxiety can be a difficult thing to manage, but did you know that sound and vibration can actually help ease your anxiety? If you suffer from anxiety, tuning forks can be an easy and effective way to shift your nervous system from a state of fight and flight to rest and digest, helping you feel centered, calm, balanced and relaxed.

Tuning forks are simple instruments that make a pleasant, soothing tone and vibration when struck. Our body recognizes this sound and vibration as a calming force, and our system begins to relax. To feel their effects, tuning forks can be listened to next to the ears or placed directly on the body. Through the process of entrainment our body resonates with their sound and our internal systems begin to relax. 

When we experience anxiety, our natural rhythmic patterns are disrupted. Our mind and body cease to work in harmony with each other and the outside world.  Tuning forks can bring you back to a state of centered awareness by interacting with our bodies’ internal vibrations and synchronizing our system so that our mind and body can return to a state of ease. 

Tuning forks have an immediate calming effect on the mind and body. They initiate a shift in your autonomic nervous system from the sympathetic mode, your panic mode, to the parasympathetic mode, your rest and relax mode. When you listen or feel the sound vibrations of tuning forks, you can feel your whole body relax and release tension. You will notice your breath naturally slows down, and you can begin to breathe in a more rhythmic pattern.  By using tuning forks, you can calm an anxiety attack before it starts or regulate your nervous system when you’re in the thick of things.

If you struggle with anxiety, you know your breath can be your number one ally. Breath control is a key component in allowing your body to calm down. You have probably also experienced how hard it is to take a breath when you are having an anxiety attack. Tuning forks are an easy, effective, pain-free, and pleasant tool you can use to remind your body to relax and breathe.

You can think of tuning forks as a reset button. When you start feeling the first symptoms of an anxiety or panic attack, reach for your tuning forks, strike them, listen to their healing sound or feel their vibrations on your body, and breathe. The breath will come naturally as your body resonates with the sound. All you need to do is focus on the sound and sensations, and your body will begin to self-regulate.

Tuning forks can also be used as a preventive tool. Using your forks on a regular basis will calibrate your body to their vibrations. The more you use your forks the more your body will recognize the feeling of their sound and vibration as a safe space.  Reminding your body that it is safe is one of the keys to nervous system regulation. Reinforcing this idea through the regular use of tuning forks will strengthen and grow your resilience.  Eventually you might find yourself experiencing anxiety less and less. 

Tuning forks are a non-invasive, natural and a portable tool that can help relieve your anxiety fast. You can keep them beside your bed, in your desk at work, your glove compartment, or carry them in your purse. They are easy to use, and it only takes seconds to hear and feel their transformative effects.

If you are interested in learning more about tuning forks and how sound healing can help your anxiety and improve your quality of life subscribe to the mailing list below. 

With tuning forks, you can take back control of your life, get relief, and feel better.  If you suffer from anxiety, Tuning Forks Can Help!

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About Danielle
Danielle Crampsie Tuning Fork Healing
Danielle has been working with tuning forks for over 10 years.

Her passion lies in sounds ability to guide us towards our original essence.
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